Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Thinking From Class

3 ways I will integrate technology into Ella's class:

My class is a 6th grade math classroom.  In our classroom we use an interactive white board which the students are actively using almost daily.  Somedays the warm up problem is using the interactive white board, other days the students have to solve problems using the interactive white board. 
As a class, we have a blog that we update daily.  The students in the class are responsible for blogging about what we did in class and new concepts they learned.  Once a week we will create a video about what we learned and how it relates to the world around us.  How the students will use this out in the real world.  This video is then uploaded onto our blog for others to see.  Throughout the year, students will have responsibilities; some students will be in charge of updating our blog, others will be in charge of taking pictures and uploading the pictures to our blog.  The responsibilities will rotate through the students so each student will actively be involved in the blog. 
I will also have a class wiki where parents can find information about the class and what we are learning.  I will include our assignments and daily plans.  The wiki will also be a resource for my students to access my delicious account where I have a tag called studentuse so the students can access websites I have found helpful to help them with homework or fun math games for them to play. 
I would also create some iRLO's with Scratch which my students could use to practice math skills.  Instead of practicing their math skills with paper and pencil and being timed, the students can play the Scratch game to practice their math facts if they are not up to the level they should be. 
Alright, so I couldn't keep it to only 3 ways I will integrate technology into my classroom.  There are just so many ways and things I can and want to do. 

I'm sad this class is over.  I feel like I have learned so much!!  I am taking away so many good resources.  I may have dreaded the assignments at the beginning of the semester, but I am glad I learned to do all these things!!  They will definantly help me as a future teacher.  Thank you!!!

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